Different questions drive different answers.
Isn’t it time you called Graham Harvey to…

accelerate your journey on the road to designing and delivering standout customer experiences

Graham Harvey

“designing standout customer experiences”


If you want a keynote speaker to make you feel warm and fuzzy, to protect you from the harsh realities of modern business, and blow smoke up your trouser leg pretending that ‘same-old same-old’ will get you safely to where it is you wish to go, then DON’T call Graham Harvey.

However, if you want someone with the courage to ask the tough questions, to identify and confront reality head on, to provoke and challenge your current thinking, attitude and behaviour, and to leave you with innovative ways and means to achieve exceptional results and blow your competition out of the water, then you have come to the right place.

There is an old saying that goes – “if you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to get what you have always got.”

WRONG! … If you continue to do what you have always done … YOUR BUSINESS WILL SURELY DIE!!

Graham is not afraid to tell you the truth … he will share with you what’s really happening in these turbulent times of disorder and disruption. And, based on his years of experience and ongoing research, what it is that today’s discerning and demanding customers actually want. Equally important, he will show you how and what it takes to design and deliver a standout customer experience and develop a high performance culture of service excellence.

Graham’s hard-hitting take-no-prisoners presentation style is not for everyone, however if you have strong aspirations for your business to be or remain a leader in your field, and you know that a business-as-usual mindset will no longer cut it, them Graham Harvey is the invigorating breath of fresh air that your next conference or staff training has been looking for.
“If you want someone to come into your business to deliver all the information you find in business books, to work to a fixed agenda and to make everyone feel good, then Graham is not for you. But, If you want someone who tells the truth, deals with the real issues, talks from personal experience in business and life generally and who works with you so that your company can grow and prosper, call Graham Harvey.”
Chris Disspain – Chief Executive Officer, .au Domain Administration

Keynote Speaker


Engage Graham to deliver one of his hard hitting, thought provoking, industry changing presentations.

He’ll change the way you see your customer relationships for ever, and help change the behaviour of your conference delegates.

He is the perfect choice to be your next guest speaker.

Past & Present Client Engagements

Suellen BottecchiaStrata Community Australia (WA)
Graham Harvey captivates his audience in such a way that is invigorating, leaving them wanting for more. After presenting at our State Conference in November 2014, we have secured Graham’s services to run two more workshops for our Strata Managers and Principals. Interest is so keen, we are securing early bookings. Don’t miss Design! Deliver! Delight! as Graham does exactly that.
Lisa Coyle, General ManagerBoating industry Association of WA
Your outstanding keynote address was exceptionally well received and as the opening speaker of the day, you truly set the stage for a terrific conference.I would rate you as one of the best speakers I have had the pleasure to work with. Your willingness to spend time tailoring your presentation and talking to members prior to and post the conference was most appreciated. I wish all the speakers I work with could be as generous and caring about the outcome of their efforts as you are.
Lindsay Hall, General ManagerUnited Video (NZ)
In a sentence, fantastic, energetic, interactive and appealing to a wide-ranging and diverse audience, and your willingness to oblige from our first enquiry to the end of the conference was very much appreciated. The audience loved your highly interactive style and subject material which was communicated to all in a highly professional but entertaining manner.
Stephen Matthews, Chief Executive OfficerMotor Trade Association (NZ)
Without a doubt your presentation was the best during our four-day conference. The real examples of worldwide companies that are succeeding in this area are proof of what our members need to achieve, in particular, the use of CRM strategies. I am grateful that you took the time to directly research trends and issues relating to the motor industry.I believe the practical examples and recommendations you presented are easy to implement … also made easy through your refreshing, challenging and relaxing style. I have no hesitation in recommending you as a presenter to any business conference.


Delivering a great Customer Experience means having your entire organisation on the same page.  One of the most effective ways to commence this journey is through a workshop with Graham Harvey.  Graham has worked with hundreds of businesses in a workshop environment, exploring the customer experience, developing new approaches and implementing strategies that keep organisations moving in the desire direction.

Graham’s Design / Deliver / Delight workshop has received widespread acclaim for the way that it has helped businesses start the journey towards truly outstanding customer experiences.  Beyond this program, however Graham has developed a series of specialty workshops covering the areas of sales skills, marketing, work life balance and time management.  The following is a short list of his most popular programs.  

Neil Mactaggart,Operations Services CoordinatorWestralia Airports Corporation
“ Graham impressed from the start with his attentiveness to our training requirements and as a result tailored his instruction specifically to our staff. Graham presents the Customer service message with new ideas and practical examples. His idea’s have impact and can be put into practice immediately. He instills staff with a belief in personal responsibility towards customer service. His presentation also produced noticeable increases in team spirit between staff. We completely recommend Graham Harvey as a team based Customer Service Coach.”
Michael Tunnecliffe,Clinical Psychologist / General ManagerPrime Corporate Psychology Services
“Your exceptional facilitating skills enabled us to not only formulate exciting plans for the future, but by getting us to address a whole range of penetrating questions and face the reality of some past management decisions, we gained a far clearer picture of where we wish to go as a team and identified many new business opportunities. Having someone such as yourself with such incisive analytical and problem solving skills, gave us something we, or any business for that matter, are unable to provide for ourselves; an eternal perspective. A perspective that has created far greater clarity of future.”
 Mal Osborne,Chief Executive OfficerShire of Esperance
Graham delivered the Design, Deliver, Delight Customer Experience programme to all Staff and Elected Members of the Shire of Esperance. All participants provided very positive feedback on the programme, but more importantly, there was a noticeable improvement in our delivery of internal and external customer service across the organisation. This is one of the most important corporate training events that an organisation can participate in.
Louise Howden-Smith,Executive DirectorWest Australian Ballet
“I was extremely impressed and enthused with his ability to connect with the audience and to convey his message in a clear and precise manner, with a touch of humour. It was one of the most motivational one-hour seminars I have experienced. I have no hesitation in recommending Graham as a motivational speaker, his perceptive insights, and understanding the needs of his clients.”
Jo Gilbert,PrincipalRSM Bird Cameron
“Your Design Deliver Delight session was well received by our staff as indicated in their feedback surveys after the event. Comments such as “enlightening” and “very informative and enjoyable” came through. With both administration and professional staff in attendance it was good to have your message adopted across the board for all staff regardless of their role in the organisation. I highly recommend this workshop for any business in the professional services sector.”
Kim Mayfield,Branch ManagerLandmark
“… we received an overwhelming positive response from everyone who attended [Design! Deliver! Delight!] – a credit to Graham’s facilitation skills as we have a wide range of staff from high performing sales people to administrative roles. After personally being involved in the agricultural industry for more than 30 years and having seen a wide range of presentations, I rate Graham with the very best, and have no hesitation in recommending him to present to any organisation – irrespective of their business or industry type.”
Phil Sumner,Manager Business Training & DevelopmentBankWest
“Without doubt the consensus of opinion gathered from graduates and executive indicated that you were an impressive, inspiring speaker. Your address was most relevant to the theme of the evening and your clever illustrations revealed that you had completed appropriate research into our industry. The simplicity of your message and its measured delivery was inspirational and contributed immensely to a successful event.
Simon Creek,Managing DirectorHHG Legal Group
“Graham recently spoke at the 2014 HHG Legal Group Staff Retreat. As usual, Graham was well received. He kept a room of lawyers and administration staff challenged and attentive at all times. Focussing on HHG’s 2014 theme of ‘Service, Service, Service’, Graham combined cutting edge management theory with the reality of commerce in the modern age. Every idea was practical and had relevance to our business. We will continue to avail ourselves of Graham’s vast experience and ability over the years to come.”


As a manager or owner of a business you are the driver, making critical decisions in real time about where you are taking your business (the vehicle to achieve your goals).  A coach like Graham, can assist you in the same way a GPS does, providing you with clarity as to where you are going, what the fastest, safest or most efficient route to get there is, and providing external feedback as to how you are travelling.

With the vast majority of businesses closing within their first two years, often due to lack of proper planning, and clarity around the measurement of performance.  

I’d really love to hear from you so email me or fill out the
form and I’ll be in touch with you a.s.a.p